Making Waves: The Art of Cinematic Sound.
We at Nerd Girls were so excited about our Girls Behind the Board episode, we wanted to find out more about how young women might get...

Engineers Are Turning Data into Sound
Dr. Genevieve Williams. Source: University of Exeter Composers, programmers and engineers are combining art and science to create a...

Hear That? Listening for Bridge Defects
A civil engineer has designed an acoustic approach to detect defects in concrete bridge decks. The system represents an alternative to...

S1 E2: The Girls Behind the Board
The magic behind movie sounds and the beats behind pop hits, Ginge Cox and Grammy-winner Laura Sisk talk all things sound. 7:58 |...

![Develop[Her]: One Woman at a Time](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0652cb_0189ae1c6853414f9eadaa8b6014f92c~mv2_d_3744_5616_s_4_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_335,h_252,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/0652cb_0189ae1c6853414f9eadaa8b6014f92c~mv2_d_3744_5616_s_4_2.webp)
Develop[Her]: One Woman at a Time
Lauren Hasson discovered computer science in high school, but it took patience, insight, and a flexible attitude to find the fulfilling...

In the Mix: Cox merges the creative with the technical
Ginge Cox is an artist who uses sound to paint a picture. She’s a re-recording mixer for feature films, including James Franco’s Actors...

#MeToo: Why Women Remain Silent
The news has been dominated by women speaking out about their experiences as victims of other people’s despicable misconduct. We hear...