The Right Frame of Mind: Cinematographer Cabana Fights Stereotypes
Carmen Cabana wouldn't say that she comes from a particularly artistic family, but the inspiration for her cinematography career did...

Ethical Bribing
Every year on Christmas Eve, Santa Claus would drive through my home town sitting on top of a firetruck waving to people lined up on the...

Will today’s waste methane become tomorrow’s textiles?
Biobased plastics are neither a new idea nor a new material. British metallurgist Alexander Parkes developed Parkesine, a celluloid...

Watch How a 'Brain Pacemaker' Slows the Pace of Alzheimer's Disease
Deep brain stimulation from a device similar to a cardiac pacemaker was demonstrated by Ohio State University researchers to slow the...

S1 E9: Bio-Physics
From Bio-physics to nanotechnology Mercedes Cornelius and Lisa Goel delve into the future of everything from medicine to clothing. This...

Intersecting Nano, Biomedicine, and Physics: Goel addresses global health challenges
Lisa Goel was born and raised in a rural town in Mississippi. Her father, a general and vascular surgeon as well as a family physician,...

The Fresh Princess: Cornelius sets out to empower youth
Mercedes Cornelius was the kind of child who ended up in the principal’s office once in a while—but at the same time she was smart. She...

Earthrise: Apollo 8's Surprise Gift
Fifty-years ago, NASA launched Apollo 8 moonward with an official mission: photographing the moon’s surface. The flight’s unofficial...

Startup to develop hypersonic plane capable of flying between New York and London in just 90 minutes
Source: Hermeus Corporation An Atlanta-based startup plans to develop a plane capable of flying passengers between London and New York in...

A Graphic Look at Katherine Young
Katherine Young will tell you that her work as a graphic artist only has the chance to influence people for one second. Much of her work...